Know Jesus

We get to Know Jesus through a variety of Small Groups, Bible Studies and Classes. We would love to have you join us!

Sunday School

Sunday School is held each week prior to Worship.  We have classes for 3 years thru 6th grade who learn age related Bible Basics meeting  from 9:00-9:45.   Our Youth (Grades 7 thru 12) dig a little deeper in their faith thru Bible Study, Lessons, Videos and Music and meets from 8:30 – 9:30.

Pastor Led Bible Study

There will be a Charge Bible Study every Thursday in Lent (March 6, 13, 20, 27 & April 3 & 10) at 4:00 PM at First Chruch and Live on Facebook. Anyone who wants to attend can come to be part of the Bibble Study if they do not have access to Facebook. It could be accessed and shown at yuour own church as a group if you choose. People at home can participate through the comment section.

Dart Ball

Looking for new members to join our  group that has been practicing  in our basement this winter.   Our team is small, but will be attending a  Church League Dart Ball tournament March 8 in Green County.